Real Property Management TradeWinds

7 Questions Clearwater Tenants Should Ask Themselves Before Adopting a Pet

Adopting a pet can make a home feel complete. However, if you have a pet, there are additional things you have to think about when you’re renting. For instance, how it gets more challenging to find your new home. A lot of single-family rental properties in Clearwater may seem to be a place where a furry family member would gladly call home. However, landlords and/or property owners may not be thrilled by the thought of having animals on their property.

Reports about irresponsible tenants are plentiful, and it gives a bad name to otherwise responsible pet-owning tenants. This is an example of the acts of a few affecting the group as a whole. With the challenges you may face, it pays to consider some things before deciding to adopt and bring a pet into a rental home. Honestly answering these seven questions will give you a fuller sense of how adopting a pet will change your life.

1.       Does your landlord and/or lease allow pets? If so, what are the restrictions?

As a tenant, the first question you need to ask is whether or not pets are allowed at home. You have to know the answer before deciding to adopt a pet. There are a lot of landlords who are open to allowing pets but there are also those who have strictly banned all animals from the premises. Examine your lease again; most leases will clearly state which way your particular landlord leans. If your lease allows pets, be sure to read it carefully. There may be restrictions on animal type, size, breed, etc. You should also check local regulations for rules about keeping animals in your particular neighborhood. If you still have doubts, ask to have them clarified. Because the penalties of having an unauthorized pet can be quite significant.

2.       Do you or anyone living in your rental home have allergies?

There are millions of pet owners who discover after adopting that they are allergic to their own pets. As stated by AAAAI (American Academy of Allergy Asthma, and Immunology), pet dander, saliva, and urine can all trigger allergic reactions and even aggravate asthma symptoms. If anyone that lives in your rental home suffers allergies or other respiratory issues, bringing in a pet into your living space may seriously impact your or their health. Something you may need to do is get specialized treatment for your symptoms. This can increase the financial burden of pet ownership.

3.       Do you have a yard or enough space for a pet?

Pets need space to play, explore, and live their lives. Whether your pet is very small or very large, this is still applicable. So, before adopting a pet, make sure the rental home has enough room— or can be adjusted to provide room— so your pet can run around and get to live a healthy life. For example, dogs need access to a safe, secure yard (or another identified area) to do their business. Generally speaking, the bigger the pet, the more space you’ll need.

4.      Are you home enough to care for it?

When talking about adopting a pet, we usually focus on the good things and we tune out the responsibilities. If you have a job or other commitments that require you to travel or stay out of the house for long periods of time, adopting a pet may not be a good idea. If pets are left on their own repeatedly and for long periods of time, they won’t be able to get the constant care and attention that they require. This would lead to them developing unhealthy and destructive habits. A bored or anxious animal can destroy furniture, bedding, and other household items, and dogs may become a nuisance by barking excessively. The only way to rectify this behavior is to spend time interacting with your pet. This will encourage them to mentally and physically connect with you.

5.      Do you have a backup plan for when life gets busy?

Traveling after adopting a pet can take a lot out of you. If you need to plan a trip to fulfill an obligation or grab an opportunity, you can’t just leave your pet home alone. You’ll need to have a backup plan for animal care. There are only a few places that permit you to bring your animals with you, but regardless of that, traveling with your pet can also make them feel scared and anxious. So, in the event of an emergency, you will need to have prepared backup care for your pet. This can be in the form of a friend or family member or even a pet care service. The important thing is that you get someone taking care of your pet.

6.      Are you financially ready for a pet?

The cost of owning a pet doesn’t end with the adoption fees. Some animals, especially those with long fur, need routine grooming. And virtually all pets require regular medical attention. You’ll need to prepare yourself in case your animal gets sick or is injured. You’ll need to save the funds to pay for emergency medical care which can easily run into thousands of dollars for just one incident. In addition to that, there is a financial aspect of owning a pet that connects directly to your status as a tenant. Many landlords charge additional fees and/or higher rent for tenants who want to keep a pet on the property. But these don’t even include any extra costs that may arise from the potential property damage your pet might cause. Those additional expenses may have to be covered out of your pocket. This is why you have to be financially ready to adopt a pet. You’ll be putting yourself in trouble if you don’t think this through, financially speaking.

7.      Are you prepared to care for your pet for the next 5 to 10 years (or more)?

The lives of many pets are long. This means that pet owners who rent should see to it that they are in a position to handle a pet for the next 5 to 10 years or even longer. Take a few moments to think about the future you want to have, then think about how a pet factors into that. Doing this would make you more informed so you can make the best decision for yourself. Who knows, maybe a pet is what you need.

In Conclusion

If you’ve answered all of the questions above and are ready to adopt a pet, there’s still one thing you have to do. Communicate with your landlord or Clearwater property manager so they know what you’re going to do. They can then make the necessary changes to the terms of your lease.

Are you interested in renting a home from Real Property Management TradeWinds? A number of our rental properties allow pets. Browse our rental listings and get in touch with us at 727-400-4722 to schedule a showing.